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ABMH notifica CAIXA ECONÔMICA FEDERAL e ministério das cidades sobre a falta de recurso para a compra de imóveis usados.
Os consumidores, ora mutuários, estão desde o final do ano de 2023 sem conseguir […]
Decisão do Superior Tribunal de Justiça prejudica mutuários
A lei 9.514/97 permitiu às instituições financeiras o direito de executar de forma extrajudicial […]
Supremo Tribunal Federal reconhece validade da lei 9.514/97
Decisão proferida pelo Plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal no dia 26 de outubro de […]
What Client’s Say
To anybody thinking of buying this theme – buy it! The theme itself is amazing, and on top of that, the support is outstanding! I wanted some features put in, and the theme developer was more than willing to help me out!
I would like to extend a special thank you for your excellent support. Is has been a great experience. I love this template and more so because you provided excellent support and feedback.Thank you for such a great template! A must have!
Thank You for the speedy reply and the addition to the next update ThemeFusion, now purchased!
It’s my first time buying on here and I’m very please, so easy to customize! Cheers for your help again, very satisfied customer!!!!
Themes like yours make people want to upgrade their business quality to fit in such beauty … really thanks and all the best luck in sales.